1207 Geneva, Rue de Soleure 6

4 Increase efficiency - improve business processes

Companies commission us to:

  • analyze business processes
  • Planning new workflows
  • To increase process performance
  • Dramatically improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Introduce new business processes
  • Throughout the supply chain including CMO and CDMO
  •  Independent of suppliers and contract manufacturers (CMOs). Consulting and implementation.

MORE Developing efficient business processes: The key components for sustainable success

What are business processes?

Business processes are defined sequences of work activities in a company. They form the core of entrepreneurial activity.

The more value is created in the business processes, the more valuable the company is.

Process development, scale-up in the pharmaceutical industry

More power together The more value is created in the business processes, the more valuable the company is. Efficiency in value creation is the competitive advantage!

1. process analysis and process measurement

In the process analysis, we collect typical process key figures, such as

  • Throughput
  • Typical process times
  • All process steps
  • All departments and persons involved
  • Existing documentation (e.g. SOPs)

2. process analysis in administrative processes

Administrative processes are analyzed in a similar way to production processes. In most cases, however, processes are less well recorded and average process times are not recognized. However, it is also worth streamlining administrative processes, as these business processes have a tendency to become increasingly complicated over the years.

3. design the new process

We develop the new work process and workflow together with the team of people and departments affected. In this way, we ensure that the changes can also be implemented in practice later on.

4. change and implement business processes

Only the implementation of the changed work processes and their widespread acceptance creates the basis for a dramatic increase in efficiency. 

We always achieve amazing improvements in our projects! This is only possible in a team and with teamwork!

5. conclusion

Improving the efficiency of business processes is a decisive competitive advantage!

The world is constantly changing! That's why work processes need to be constantly streamlined and improved!

Supply chain management pharmaceutical industry

1. process analysis and process measurement

Before starting any improvement activity, we assess the current status. This is relatively easy for activities in production. There, activities are already relatively well recorded and processes are regulated and documented. During the process analysis, we identify bottlenecks in the process and look for ways to make the entire production of the product simpler and faster. With the freedom gained, companies usually try to make production more flexible. This is a great advantage in the age of customization and small batch sizes. We rely on a strong Digitization!


2. process analysis in administrative processes

Process analyses and process measurements in the administrative area are much more complicated. In the vast majority of companies, this area represents a large cost block and is hardly analyzed. If, for example, the man-hours for a production step are easy to see, these figures are usually not available in the administrative area. Questions such as: "How long does it take to prepare a quotation and how many man-hours does it take?" are not easy to answer off the cuff.

In our process analysis, we examine these processes and present the process flow and process performance. In most cases, these overviews already provide very clear directions for improvement. This is because in most companies, processes develop over the years and become increasingly complex. This is because new special cases are constantly being incorporated into the standard process. It makes sense to review the business processes every few years and adapt them to the new circumstances. Otherwise, you run the risk of working with very slow, bureaucratic processes.

Process measurement is used to determine the throughput and output of an administrative process. For example, how many offers are generated per year with how many man-hours. The approach is therefore very similar to production, but the data collection is more difficult.

One concrete example could be the acceleration of the complaints process:

In many companies, CAPA analyses are relatively lengthy and take 50-70 days to complete. However, many supply contracts specify much shorter times of around 20-25 days. For example, one goal could be to shorten the existing CAPA process by 80 % of its process time.

Outsourcing and technology transfer consulting

3. design the new process

We start from the is analysis and change processes so that they meet the targets.

In the above example, for example, the processing times for complaints are reduced from 70 days to a maximum of 15 days.

Here we work as a team with our client. Together, we adapt the processes so that they meet the future targets. The more departments are involved in processes, the more difficult such adjustments become.

This may also be one reason why process management tries to avoid organizing work into departments. It makes more sense to build the department "around" the business processes.

In this step in the redesign of the business process, it is very important for us to involve all parties. This is the only way we can develop a process that suits all parties. Certain process outcomes are assumed as a working hypothesis for the new process.

In the above example, the process is designed and adapted so that the entire complaint process can be completed in 10-15 days.

These assumptions must of course be checked and verified during implementation.


4. change and implement business processes

New business processes are not simply switched "live". The implementation, which entails many changes for several departments, must also be well planned and introduced.

We introduce the business processes in phases and check whether the desired process goals are being achieved. In most cases, there is still potential for improvement after the introduction that can be exploited. Every few months, the new process is analyzed again and the process performance is measured. Once the original improvement targets have been achieved, we conclude the project.

Supply chain management pharmaceutical industry

5. conclusion

Business processes and efficiency are improved not only in production but also in the administrative area. In both areas, a new target process is being developed based on the current status. This new, improved business process is introduced in phases. Success is monitored and measured. Only a few months after implementation is the process stable and the process indicators can be collected. The improvement of business processes is based on teamwork!

We advise you independently and represent your interests with suppliers and contract manufacturers.

Process validation

Wikipedia DEfinition

In general, the business process can be defined as a set of logically linked individual activities (TasksWorkflows) that are performed in order to achieve a specific business or operational objective.

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